Albino Green Aeneus Cory
Their wiggle game is very serious! Always moving, always vaccuming up crumbs!
Kyle D.
Order came fast and the fish were healthy
Kayla M.
Darren is my most trusted fish seller that I very fortunately came across immediately once I got into this hobby. I can always trust that his fish are at the healthiest, most top quality a fish can possible be. He’s the only fish seller that I know & trust to just put brand new fish into my existing tank without QTing them because I know how well he treats them & QTs them himself. I actually did put these Albino Corydoras in without QTing them or treating them & they’ve been with every fish & invert I own & all the existing fish have still been healthier than I am lol. My Albino Corys are so incredibly beautiful with their iridescent skin—they are hyper as hell which I absolutely love because they add lots of activity to any tank. From what I can tell, I’m almost positive I have 2 boys & 2 girls—and after having them about 4 months now they’ve just laid their first batch of eggs—around 50, possibly more! I started priming them for breeding immediately once I got them, but stopped over a month ago because I had a slew of aquarium disasters happen—my snail tank crashing, hydra & damselfly nymph infestations (ALWAYS QT & alum dip your plants my friends, ESPECIALLY if you don’t know the person they come from—I learned this the hard way) & finally accidentally poisoning my fish whilst trying to TREAT for the hydra so I had to tear down 2 of my tanks & restart them. With all that I didn’t think I could handle raising fry at the same time or have the room for them because I was just so stressed & busy trying to restart my tanks, so that’s why I stopped priming them ages ago. The other morning suddenly I come in to see a plethora of eggs on the glass & the mother was continually laying more. I have Darren to thank for this as well because I actually ordered only TWO albinos, but he was kind enough to throw in TWO MORE just to be nice! Had I only had the planned 2, I may have ended up with 2 of the same gender, but this way I ended up with at least 1 of each gender, allowing me the chance to raise lots of albino babies—which I’m so excited about! I highly recommend Darren for all your fish & invert purchases as he is a seller who has much integrity & you can tell he truly cares about his work as well as these little creatures & is not just trying to make a quick buck. He makes sure he starts them off to lead the best lives they possibly can—the rest is up to you. I admire & trust him immensely!
Aaron A.
Very active and healthy!
lisa h.
so beautiful! and show up so well on my dark substrate!