True Siamese Algae Eater
These are excellent algae eaters and have a very sophisticated, sharp appearance. One for every 10 gallons of planted tank will do great to help with algae. If you are heavily stocked with other fish, I'd go with more to help combat algae problems in a natural way.
kevin p.
Very happy
All of the 10 SAEs arrived alive, looked healthy and not overly stressed. Also arrived a day early. Will be ordering other livestock! Thank you!
Robert S.
Very happy with my purchases.
Rick F.
More then satisfied with the fish. First order was DOA, but this seller made good on replacing that order. Couldn’t be more happy with the algae eaters I received. Recommend this seller very much.
Rick F.
Had a mishap with first order, but they made it right. Couldn’t be more please with my order. Fish are amazing and so is the customer service. Highly recommended.
Tyler H.
I did have some DOAs on my first order, but they were replaced. Darren is very fast to reply and easy to deal with when it comes to customer service. As for the fish, they're solid little algae eaters, I got a small school of them to help clear my planted tank of hair algae and combined with increased maintenance they helped me nearly eradicate a large infestation. I wouldn't trust them to completely do the work of clearing algae on their own, but I've seen them eat it and they spend a good amount of time grazing on the surfaces of hardscape and plant leaves. They've also got some decent schooling behavior for a "cleanup crew" fish.
From my reading, true Siamese algae eaters can be a few different closely related species, usually all imported/sold under the incorrect scientific name "Crossocheilus siamensis". I'm no ichthyologist, but these look like C. atrilimes to me. Some sources online say C. atrilimes eats java moss, but I haven't noticed mine eating any (I had very small amounts to begin with and none has gone missing), so no worries there. Whatever these are, they're definitely a type of Siamese algae eater, not a flying fox or anything like that, and they're eating algae, so I highly recommend.
Steven R.
Regarding shipping. I didn’t place my order until Sunday evening. Per the printed policy, I knew the fish wouldn’t be shipped until the following Monday, which they were. I chose overnight shipping because that’s about all my nerves can stand when buying fish. They arrived in a lively state on Tuesday, with a nice warm heat pack. 5 stars.
Regarding the fish. I got four Siamese Algae Eaters. A lot of places, including my local fish store, confuse this fish with the Flying Fox, but I’m pretty sure that these are the true SAE. They are small, probably 1.25 inches, which is exactly what I wanted. I’ll need to rehome at least three of them anyway when they get above 2.5 inches. The reason I’m giving 4 stars instead of 5 is that they are not yet eating algae. After two weeks, they seem to only want the flake and frozen food that the other fish eat. Maybe they were raised on regular food instead of algae...I don’t know if that matters. If they start grazing soon, I’ll update this review if there is a mechanism for that. They’re nice little fish, though, and tend to hang out together.
Arrived in excellent health and are all doing fine
Fish arrived safely and quickly acclimated to their new home. Packaging was quite satisfactory.
Ed D.
Great fish . They were in transit for 5 days but all of the fish arrived alive and healthy . Great job .
Daniel C.
Fish were so well packed with breather bags that they were alive despite the package was delayed.
Toan T.
Due to extraordinary delays by USPS, what would have been 3 day shipping turned into a 13 day fiasco. This was not the seller’s fault and can be attributed to a combination of COVID and the holidays. However, due to the sellers fantastic packing and care of fish, all 4 miraculously survived and are thriving! I couldn’t be more overjoyed and I have to say, the exceptional breeding and care of these fish is evident. They are extremely healthy and resilient to have survived nearly 2 weeks in a box!